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Ascension Parish Courthouse

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Gonzales, LA

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project owner

Ascension Parish Government


103,017 SF

The Ascension Parish Courthouse houses current and future requirements of the Ascension Parish Clerk of Court, Ascension Parish Court, and the 23rd Judicial District Court. The Sheriff and the Gonzales Police Department also have a Fines Collection station near the Parish Courtroom.

The 3-story building has a total of 8 courtrooms and provides the highest levels of security with clear separations of public areas, Judges’ chambers, and secured inmate areas.

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Through every stage of your project, LEMOINE is ready to put our experience to work for you. Together, we can build a better world.

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50 years of construction experience, industry resources, and superior talent form the bedrock of the ONE LEMOINE philosophy. Our service lines deliberately connect to support the full building lifecycle, leveraging our expertise every step of the way.

LEMOINE provides a full suite of services, from Infrastructure to Building Construction, Disaster Services, and comprehensive Project and Program Services, all with one call. We are uniquely qualified to be your partner through every stage of any project. 

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